Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Manage Large Tabular Data With Google Fusion Tables

Google has introduced a service called Fusion Tables that makes viewing large spreadsheets and visualizing the data a breeze. Fusion Tables can handle up to 100 mb of data in a single table. Moreover this service lets you filter or aggregate data.

Although the new application lacks the standard spreadsheets goodies like formula, one can easily visualize the data in different ways like in form of maps, scatter diagrams and more. Moreover, the tables can be merged with new ones easily. There is also facility to export data in CSV format.

google fusion tables maps visualizationMaps Visualization Of Data

What is more, Fusion Tables lets you share your tabular data with others. Other people can have a customized view of data, contribute to the existing data by adding columns and modify data depending on the privileges the owner of the data gives them. Owner does this by sending invitations.

Allin all, it can be a very effective to manage tables and even effective mine the data contained in those tables.

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